Product reviews & feedback from some of our wonderful customers! Wondering about a product? Read a review on it and see how it has worked for others.
Based on 7361 reviews
Love it!

The results of this exfoliant didn’t disappoint at all! My face is hydrated, brightened, & reveals beautiful skin after each use. The smell is also amazing & I will be repurchasing for forever.

Casanthia Childers

Awesome soap, waiting for soap to become available so I can order some more.


Where other feminine care products throw the baby or with the bath water so to speak, this trio set cleanses the day/night away without stripping natural oils. This set has a natural musk that complements the natural scent. On top of these benefits, it also works to lighten scars, reduce ingrown hairs and boils, and overall even tone! I've been using for just about a month and have already seen benefits. I really cannot recommend enough. The set comes with a soap dish and bamboo towel to complement the products and it's really just all around quality. I was genuinely struggling to get it together before summer and this kit saved me a lot of frustration!

Magic in a jar

This mask has really helped with texture, I wake up with super soft and bright skin. I think this has been helping keep my skin even toned, paired with the barrier cream. Make sure you are always using hydrating products when adding exfoliation to your routine.

Fades marks

This has helped with fading marks slightly, will need to use for longer to see a significant change. Also did create some purging so be careful to only use where you need it.

This product is a spot treatment and should be used only on individual dark marks. If you have large areas of hyperpigmentation on your skin, our Lactic Brightening Serum is a better choice. Thanks for your review.

I was sleeping on this

The charcoal masque is and has been my favorite overall, but the pumpkin masque is supreme where results are concerned. Slight sting, but it goes away. I had an extremely visible, dark colored, clogged pore on my face that was there for months and immediately after using I was able to purge it. I bought the sample but soon I will be buying for real


I've purchased a few of the different scents and have really enjoyed them all. The one I'm currently using is brown sugar and it reminds me of brown sugar oatmeal. I could just eat it! I think the formula may have changed over time, because now it feels very light and fluffy -- almost like a whip -- and I really enjoy that. I use it on my damp skin right after a shower making it very easy to apply. There's no residue left on my skin after using it; it absorbs well. I don't feel I have to use a lot of product either. I seal it with the dry oil and when the 2 are paired together, my skin glistens. When I use it at night, the scent still lingers on my skin in the morning.

A Staple

I use this toner every day and have been using it for the past 2 years. One bottle lasts about 6 months for me. I apply this to my face and neck right after using the daily cleanser. Despite this not being a moisturizer per se, it still feels very moisturizing on my skin. It has a very fresh and light scent and also feels refreshing if you keep it in a fridge. Keeps my skin plump, radiant, and youthful.

My only gripe with this is the packaging. I traveled recently with it on a plane and put it in my carry on, which led to about a quarter of the product spilling out; I noticed this also with the daily cleanser and the superfruit gel creme.

When you'll be putting your products in checked luggage, it's highly recommended to tape them shut or pack them very snugly in a holding container of some sort. The products are not meant to go through any form of transit without sealing, which is why we take great precautions to seal/protect them properly when packing them to ship out to you. Thanks for your review!


First thing's first, I love the smell of this moisturizer! It smells fruity and sweet without being overbearing; the scent also lingers for a while, which I enjoy. I chose this product because I have oily skin and read this would be best for my type of skin. I use this after cleansing with the daily cleanser and applying the daily toner. In order to get the best effect, you have to rub this in for about 30 seconds or so. It leaves me with a glowing, dewy look and feeling beautiful all day.

So Good

I wanted to try this after seeing other reviewers say it was Eternelle’s little sister— she is and she’s perfect! The smell alone is incredible and your skin is just left dewy soft. Yet another banger from Epanouie!!


i love this oil! it has my skin glowing and clear. never going back. really great slip for gua sha
saw faster results with this than my facials

Soooo good

Ugh I LOVE the oasis facial water. Epanouie has done it again. Perfect for between skincare steps or just a pick-me-up. Smells delicious. 10/10. New mandatory part of my routine!

Must-Have for Hydration

The smell was such a pleasant surprise. It makes my skin soft and glowy. It's a must-have for your hydration routine.


This soap is effectively correcting the hyperpigmentation on my legs. Consistency is definitely important in making a difference.


I never thought I would review a soap dish lol… but this one is well designed and superior to others that’s on the market. This is a great soap dish. It’s a nice size and it fits the soap bars perfectly.


This product absorbs well into the skin. What I love about this body butter is that it doesn’t leave a greasy film. I enjoyed all the fragrances that I purchased. However, my favorite scent so far is strawberry preserves. It literally smells just like a delicious strawberry dessert.

Love this body scrub

A must have in a body care routine. This is the only body scrub that I use. It smells amazing and softens the skin. I use it along with the beaute bar, the body butter/whip, and body oil. I always get compliments on how soft my skin is.

olushola Mogaji
4 months postpartum

I started using the soyeuse body oil when I was 6 weeks post partum. I used it only on my belly, breasts and hips. I honestly didn’t pay too much attention to the changes until I put this images side by side. You can see at 4 months, the picture was taken in the same place, same light, no filter or edits and my stretch marks have faded so much. I’m honestly still on the first bottle and have the second one unopened ( since I signed up for the subscription). The smell and color of the oil looks Medicinal, so I trusted it. It can stain your clothes (whites) so be careful.
I’ll continue to use it as I’ve began working out consistently to lose my baby weight. I would recommend!

Consistency is key

I never thought I would a person that would spend so much on soap but I have made it a point to have some money put aside just for this brand. This soap is working wonders on old scars on my legs and lightening my elbows. So excited to see the progress by the end of the year

Favorite day moisturizer

I love this product! It smells so good and it’s not too heavy. A little goes a long way and it wears well under spf and makeup

Very Nice

This really helps with my hormonal acne when my period is about to come on. I’ll definitely repurchase but my bottle will last me a while

Great Body Care Investment

This is the first product that has made a significant difference in the hyperpigmentation on my inner thighs, and I still have alot of the bar left. I follow up with the beauty bar. The perfect combo. I can't wait to see the final result.

Casanthia Childers

Love it!!!

Love it

My main skincare goal right now is lightening dark spots and this is central to my routine. I've been using it twice a day for about two weeks and I've seen a little difference so far, so I'm optimistic as vitamin c serums usually balance out the skin hyperpigmentation and even tone for me. Also, this is probably the best smelling Vitamin C serum I've tried.


This and the gua sha are a lethalllll combination. My skin is so smooth and I feel like it really absorbs into my skin as opposed to sitting on top! It's light enough for the summer heat and I'm hoping with continued use it will lighten discoloration like the Soyeuse body oil!